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LGBTQ Statement


     The Heritage HealthCare Center is committed to reducing the spread of HIV/AIDS in LGBTQ communities through information sharing and creating and holding a safe space for informative conversations to happen that can reduce stigma.  Why is there a stigma surrounding HIV and AIDS?  Whenever HIV and AIDS has won, stigma, shame, distrust, discrimination and apathy was on its side.  Every time HIV and AIDS has been defeated, it has been because of trust, openness, dialogue between individuals and communities, family support, human solidarity, and the human perseverance to find new paths and solutions.

     New York City leads the nation in the number of new HIV cases, and statistics show that more than 20 percent do not know they are infected.  In New York City, 77 percent of new HIV diagnoses and AIDS-related deaths were among African Americans and Hispanics in 2016, up from 69 percent in 2015.

Gay Teens

     Nationally, people age 50 and older account for more than half of the estimated 1.1 million people living with HIV infection.  It is estimated that, by 2020, more than 60% of all people living with HIV in the U.S. will be age 50 and older.

     Nationally, in 2015, about one in five new HIV infections were among youth, ages 13 to 24.  Young people aged 13–24 accounted for 22% of all new HIV infections in 2015.  More than 80% of all adolescent infections are among males in the U.S.


     Heritage HealthCare Center’s team consists of highly skilled physicians, nurses, medical assistants, psychiatrist, social workers, patient navigators, outreach workers, care coordinators, and administrative staff who walk in step together to create individualized care plans for people living with HIV and AIDS, who have a wide variety of HealthCare needs.

     As part of The Heritage HealthCare Center’s commitment to the LGBTQ community, Heritage


continues to organize community HealthCare events that include the following screenings; Diabetes, Blood Pressure, STI, HIV rapid testing, Dental, Mental Health, Podiatry, Body Mass Index (BMI) along with providing educational materials and hosting healthy activities for community members, HIV screenings, and educational activities.

     The Heritage HealthCare Center will carry forward the initiative of raising awareness in the LGBTQ community on preventative care and links at risk individuals with hands-on resources to include; HIV pre-post counseling, PreP/PEP counseling, Gender Identity counseling, linkage to care, nutritional counseling/demonstrations and more.  Understanding the HIV risks, including connecting at risk individuals to PrEP and PEP services and linkage to care services coordinated by our dedicated Care Coordination team.

1727 Amsterdam Avenue
4th Floor
New York, NY, 10031

General # : (212) - 862 - 0054

As a recipient of funding from HHS, Heritage Health and Housing Inc. (and its covered individuals) is deemed a federal Public Health Service Employee with respect to medical malpractice or other healthcare related claims.

© 2023 Heritage Health and Housing, Inc.

We are an equal rights employer. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use prohibited.

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